Saturday, June 03, 2006

Team Day in June

Today I have a thought, what if we haven't met each other in this past year? Everything, happy or unhappy, is added into our irremovable AIESEC XP forever.

I appreciate everything, no matter how trivial and annoying my daily life is, and I'm really looking forwards to my next amazing year in Belgium with many new wonderful friends there!!!

Just a random thought, how many countries have their delegates in this little flat?...Let me think, HongKong, China, Germany, Nigeria, Columbia, Mexico, Argentina, Turkey, Australia, U.S.A, Czech R, Malaysia, India, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, umm...too many to name actually.

This story in our flat, is coming to the end. On the day I went to fix the termination of the contract of rent, I suddenly felt a little sad, but I do believe that a much more exciting and wonderful life is ahead, just around the corner!!!

Cherishing and Anticipating!!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What is your color?

Mine is...
Crystal, your true color is Black!
Your color is black. The color of night. Serene and mysterious, black conjures up images of elegant evening gowns, dashing tuxedos, and gleaming limousines. Traditionally a symbol of success, black also represents power and an uncompromising demand for perfection.

Want to know your color?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Our days and legacy

There are numerous things happening this week. At this moment, I'm feeling extremely fatigue, as well as the "fever" which makes me quite sick.

These days, I think of Changes.

I always admire the courage Andi has for her future, non-stop steps of travelling and entrepreneurship all over the world, no fear for degree, money, diseases, etc..

I'm just a normal girl, while I term myself as a Global Leader in @, my true ambition lies in being a mortal, not a model.

Tonit, I always think of so many people. Bomi, Anika, Vladi, Marco, Melina, Andi, Gary, Mandy, JacSo, Ron, me and so many ppl who have or had stayed in this MC flat for one, two or some days. (Maybe Andi's taking vacation soon and Marco's leaving triggers my thoughts, since andi's stereotype in my mind is that she will be always staying with the flat.) There is one 60-hundred-millionth of chance that 2 people get to know each other in the world. Not to mention the possibility of staying in the same tiny apartment, to talk about our life and future, to share a single day of fun. This 12-month, we stay with each other, we always quarrel and fight for nothing with each other, we share the same tears and annoyances, we take the tram from SW to MTR Station, we take No.101 bus from flat to PolyU, we climb up the shitty hill to HKU, we take the bird look at the gorgeous night sight of Central at the peak.

There are also so many unique miracles in this flat, such as the one-minute-flooding bath room, such as if we want to boil water, we have to take the water from the water heater in bathroom and heat it up in the oven, such as we have to kill the ants on the table when working on strategic plans, such as we have the same frequency of changing the door with doing the clean-up. But I do cherish this year and these people I have met and known in my age of 22-year-old, when all of us are young, when all of us don't know what we are reli after in life, when all of us are moving to different parts of the world after taking the last step out of the flat.

I begin deleting my documents in my laptop which I have saved for four years. Gary always says that I have every document in and now I have to delete them for other non-@ stuff. But before I deleted every single document, I would think of the time and the excitement spent on it, oh God, they are our legacy and they are also part of my @ life.

I'm feeling quite lost rit now, maybe b/c I'm lost about the direction I'm heading for, or maybe I don't want my AIESEC life to finish in the coming 2 months, or maybe I'm missing you too much, or maybe people are always emotional when they are sick, or maybe all of the above.

How to cherish our days enough? Tell me, if u get the answer.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Some Happy moments in Warm Spring

It finally comes to the most agreeable days in the whole year - Spring.

We (me, melina, gary&marco) went out for a relaxing lunch, followed by checking the Seafood in our streets, before that we just didn't give these strange creations a glance even. Inspired by Melina and Marco, they suddenly becamse so special and innovative. :D Why not stop in your busy steps everyday and observe the trivial things in our daily life?

We were also attracted by the gorgeous flowers which were smiling us at the corner of the block! We picked up a pink Lily, which has only been half-bloomed. The fragrance delighted the whole MC office and everyone busily working in it.

Tonight, we went to TST and you know what? We did the Learning-Recapture of IC 2005!! How? We went to an Pakistan (actually Indian) resturant!!! Everything, the food, the indian waitor, the passing-by foreigners, everything, kept us reminding our unique IC Experience in India.

After that, I was seeking the clue of two movies, one is Chong qing Sen lin, b/c the Indian resturant was located in Chong qing Mansions, which sparkled the Director Wong Kar Wai. The other movie is 'One Night in MongKok', my most favorite HK movie, since there was a very dramatic Gun Fight happened 2 days ago, which caused 2 policemen dead at the end. I entreated Ron to take me to the Channel where the fight occured, but it turned out that we went in a wrong way...Anyway, the accidence itself could satisfy my stereotyped HK picturing already.

After the ferry and the appreciation of the splendid scene of Victoria Harbor, we are going to go out for fun in Lan Kwai Fong very soon to further our marvelous HK experience...

Using a Chinese saying to sum my feeling of the days here, “面朝大海,春暖花开……”

Friday, February 24, 2006

PAI will be born soon!

Hey all, hello from Crystal in Amsterdam, in IPM 2006~

It's the smartest investment to run for AI b/c IPM is simply the most awesome Conference I have attended!!! All the people here are amazing and the CC are so so so sweet! And today, it's a scarce beautiful sunny day~

What's the most exciting point is that new PAI will be born tonight, who will be our leader tomorrow, the answer is just in the throat right now.

Yesterday, I and Mindy havd watched 18 speeches from al the Director Candidates, including our dearest MCP, Mr.Gary Wong!:D All the candidates are so respectable, for their courage, confidence and passion for @, I realized when I watched everyone of them walking into the plenary room with smile and hope~ And I also realized that @ is the very place where we realize our dreams and then to conceive more exciting new ones!

As for me, preparation for interview is still nothing, I'm always sleeping after sessions, even skip my most favorite part of conference - parties. I just need to take a break and then sprint at the end~ The fortunate thing is that I reli like most of my competitors, they are so nice and sweet, esp Milan, he looks like the ideal finance man, always cool and calm, not like me, like Andi said, with my curvy and colored hair, i'm just too naughty to be the $$ person...But hey, I'm actually also pretty cool, I'll show you all later~:D Hold on!

Pedro could not come, but I still meet Ines, Manish, Gabiza and Dani, and Maria is also coming! It's reli happy to see so many friends and make new friends~

It's the trip to remember~!

I'll keep you all updated about our Mr. PAI. Let our fingers crossed!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Kicking off my AI journey

Today is just like roller coaster.

Morning, 10a.m.,I sent my letter of rejection to my beloved U.S.A and said goodbye to whoever might be waiting for me in D.C..

Noon, 12a.m., I cooked again, as normal.

Afternoon, 1p.m.,I printed out all the AI candidate application forms of last session and AI VP Finance forms of last 3 sessions. 248 pages in all!

Afternoon, 2p.m., my intensive time schedule for AI journey is finished, including AI forms, EL& Networks, MC Finance, IPM Prep, Visa&Logistics, Master application, PD system dev, 7 parts in all. I'm crazy.

Afternoon, 3p.m.,I enrolled in GMAT test on Feb 8th, my Birthday. But God knows I havn't touched anything named GMAT for one year already.

Afternoon, 4p.m., I went out for shopping, mainly about Global Finance Magazine and Books. I enjoyed a sunny walk by the Pearl River.

Afternoon, 5p.m., at home, I opened Email and saw emails from Beatrice & Mindy, saying I could be matched, and I think, umm, great, accept it. It took only 2 mins, from knowing there is a TN to accepting it. I stayed calm when talking with Mindy on MSN phone. GCP for X Growth Strategy.

Evening, 7p.m., I watched my beloved 金田一.

Evening, 8p.m., I got an email from Erasmus, saying my application is qualified, as long as I could provide GMAT over 650.

Evening, 9p.m., I made several phone calls, knowing that a very high-profil @er might be my potential competitor, and I began quivering.

Evening, 9:30p.m, I made many insane calls...shame on myself.

Evening, 11p.m., I began calm down

Evening, 12p.m., I began my AI application form Version 1.2

Evening, 12:30p.m., Andrea talked to me! She encouraged me to chase for AI in her special way!:P

Evening, 1a.m., Vladi began sharing his election XP with me in details, and even shared with me about his private personaility. I just could not stop saying "Vladi is too great!" to Mindy, who is crazy about another stuff:P

Evening, 2a.m., Tobi asked me to improve the input for endorsement letter.

Evening, 3a.m., I read the mail from Gabiza that she would run for AI PD also.

Evening, 3:30a.m, I talked a lot with Beatrice on MSN of being their incoming intern and her insight into LC dev & personal goals! I was amazed a lot by her! Add oil, Beatrice!

Evening, 4a.m., Ines said " you are crazy, dont work on the last day of year!" and told me that she is running for AI PD also. Suddenly we 2 both said at the same time, we are so proud to be PDU!! Yes, we are the most excellent this year!

Evening, 4:30a.m., Gary said to me on MSN, I hope Crystal could speak out I'm proud to be AI candidate. Yes, I'm proud, but I won't speak out! Haha~

Evening, 4:50a.m., I'm going to shut down my laptop babe and sleep, but I'm just too excited to fall asleep, simply not only b/c it's the last day of the 2005, but also b/c it's the 1st day of my AI journey!

How do I feel?

F**king Excellent!!! I keep smiling the whole day, yeah, I don't hava any reason not to do so, because I'm so closd to my dream, my @ dream right now!

Let's hope!:P

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Hallo from Magdeburg...

Dear all....

how are you feeling after this month? How was NLDS? Time flies... as you also noticed and I am back in Germany already for a few weeks. (!!!!) I can not believe that I turned out to be so busy here and I'm walking around with a terrible bad conscience because I did not finish up my work with you properly. I'm working on it... Most of the files are on the FTP now. More coming VERY soon. Meaning absolutely before end of November.

I hope you are all well and miss me a bit :)

Thinking of you.. Anika

PS: I will start using my messengers & skype again soon also. Just no time yet :(